This documentary chronicles the life story of Michael Bornstein, a Holocaust survivor who, after 70 years of silence, was prompted by his grandson's inquiries to share his experiences with the public. I had the privilege of serving as the colorist and videographer on this project, collaborating with director and producer Renzo Esposito to bring Mr. Bornstein's story to life. Our aim was to educate young people about the past and to shed light on the ongoing issues of bigotry and hatred in today's society, while also drawing parallels to the discrimination that was prevalent in 1930s Germany. The documentary was filmed in New York City. Services include Color correcting and grading Videographer Talk Louder Awards and Recognitions: - Best Film Capturing Judaism at the Student World Impact Film Festival. - Grand Jury Prize at the 5th Annual Joyce Forum Jewish Short Film Festival. - Best Editor at the International World Film Awards. - Best Student Film Nominee at the Cannes World Film Festival. - Semi-Finalist at the American Jewish Film Festival. - Official Selection at the Global University Film Awards. - Official Selection at the Filmmaker Sessions August 2022. - Official Selection at the Lift-Off Filmmaker Sessions at Pinewood Studios.

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